Instagram Checklist: 5 Points to Remember Before You Post

#3 is the most overlooked and will kill your engagement

Divad Sanders
3 min readDec 8, 2021


Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

Are you a blogger, business owner, or entrepreneur that uses Instagram? Chances are you use Instagram to promote your brand and grow your following. However, I’ve found that far too many accounts neglect the importance of posting the right content when growing their account.

It’s weird, right?

We share pictures of our products and expect the world to come rushing at our doors. But it rarely ever goes that way. At least not without some basic knowledge.

Instagram is not like TikTok. There is no charm to the low-quality video or badly lip-synced sketch. Let’s face it, Instagram requires you to be a little more “buttoned-up”. From high image resolution, to captions, to hashtags, there is more that goes into crafting engaging content.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t have time to try the latest insta-gimmick, I have some pro tips for growing your account that won’t require too much of your valuable time.

Remember these five things before each and every post so your profile reflects the authentic brand that you want to portray online. Here’s what you need to start posting like an expert:



Divad Sanders

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